Mitsubishi Corporation

Press Room

November 24, 2020
Mitsubishi Corporation

MC Signs Contract with Egyptian Government for Phase 1 of Cairo Metro Line 4

Mitsubishi Corporation (MC) is pleased to announce that its consortium with Orascom Construction (Orascom) etc. has signed a contract with the Egyptian government to deliver the Railway Systems, Track and Depot Works Package (CP411) for Phase 1 of Cairo Metro Line 4. The roughly 90 billion yen contract is with the National Authority for Tunnels (NAT), an agency that operates under the jurisdiction of the Arab Republic of Egypt’s Ministry of Transport. Orascom is a Cairo-based engineering, procurement and construction contractor.
Under the terms of the contract, MC will supply the equipment necessary to build the railway systems and be responsible for related administrative work. Orascom will handle the project’s civil engineering work and construction of the train operation control center and other facilities. Funded through an international yen loan provided by the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), Phase 1 of Cairo Metro Line 4 project including CP411 will take advantage of advanced railway technologies developed in Japan. It will also be the first yen-loan project in Egypt under JICA’s Special Terms for Economic Partnership (STEP) project.
Phase 1 of Cairo Metro Line 4 will run from central Cairo to the Giza Pyramid Complex in the southwestern part of Greater Cairo. Ongoing urbanization in the Egyptian capital has resulted in its rapid population and traffic growth, and the development of public transportation infrastructure has become a matter of urgency for city officials. Not only is Line 4 expected to help ease Greater Cairo’s traffic congestion, but it also has tremendous potential as a tourist line connecting central Cairo to the pyramids and the Grand Egyptian Museum, which is currently under construction.
MC has been delivering rolling stock to Egypt for more than 50 years, and to date has supplied the country with approximately 1,600 railway cars. Through sustained, proactive engagement in the country’s rail projects, MC remains committed to helping Egypt upgrade its transportation infrastructure and further its economic growth and development.
●About the Project
Item Description
Line Approximately 19km / 16 stations
Railway System Signaling, Power Supply, Telecommunications, Platform Screen Doors, Automatic Fare Collection, Track Work, Depot/Workshop
Employer National Authority for Tunnels
About Mitsubishi Corporation
Mitsubishi Corporation is a global integrated business enterprise that develops and operates businesses together with its offices and subsidiaries in approximately 90 countries and regions worldwide. Its global network comprises some 1,700 group companies that are overseen by 10 Business Groups engaged in virtually every industry: Natural Gas, Industrial Materials, Petroleum & Chemicals, Mineral Resources, Industrial Infrastructure, Automotive & Mobility, Food Industry, Consumer Industry, Power Solution and Urban Development. Since its establishment, MC has worked in collaboration with its trusted global partners to expand its activities far beyond its traditional trading operations. Today those operations include upstream-to-downstream investments, project developments, production and manufacturing. For more information on MC, please visit the company's website at

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